I Am A Legendary BOSS

Chapter 161: Final Battle That Is Ahead Of Time

Chapter 161: Final Battle That Is Ahead Of Time

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The two nations did not expect the final battle to occur so fast.

In the past, battles dragged on for a long period of time. Catapults were used to break the defenses of a city.

But with the appearance of the chosen ones,

And with a commander of a Dawn Army, who always led the charge, results in a battle were being achieved sooner and sooner.

Nedrick Blackstone became overjoyed and brought his personal royal guards to the eastern fortress.


Attacking Rhine City was not as simple as it seemed.

Everyone knew that if attacking a military fortress could be considered at normal difficulty, then attacking Rhine City would be at hell difficulty...

The rough terrain of Iron Nation was full of forested high mountains and deep valleys.

And between two large mountains, the Rhine city stood. It was a great location from a strategic viewpoint.

If a siege happened, as long as they held the eastern city walls, they would be safe.

All the small cities east of Rhine City had been abandoned. The commoners and slaves of those cities were transferred to the western region of Rhine City.

Iron Nation’s hinterland was located behind Rhine City.

For hundreds of years.

Since the founding of Iron Nation, it had never been attacked before.

But the defenses of Rhine City had been continuously improved. The eastern city walls had become 31 meters tall. They were even taller than the royal castle that was situated in the hinterland.

Everyone knew.

Rhine City was the strongest fortification and the last line of defense.

Time passed.

The battle seemed to have stopped.

But the catapults, heavy-duty crossbows and legions of the Black Lava Nation continued to fire projectiles into the city.

The players made use of the short pause to clear the monsters in other areas. They performed missions in order to gain experience.

Besides sustained bickering on the forum, there were a few interesting topics being discussed.

The players discovered a problem. Their main plot mission was proceeding at a fast pace. Hence, they leveled up faster than the players who were located on the continent.

One of the posts titled “How long can we fight in the main plot mission? Who is the main character in this game version?” was very popular.

1st comment: “According to the map, the battle at Rhine City is very crucial. If the city is lost, the nation will be destroyed.

“The legendary continent is awesome. Within half a month, there were many huge battles. The players are becoming insane from the killing.

“On the other hand, players of the continent have just started their main plot mission. Many of them are still hunting small mermen.”

2nd comment: “The small mermen are awesome!”

3rd comment: “The small mermen are awesome!”

4th comment: “The small mermen are awesome!”

5th comment: “Cough, cough. Don’t interrupt me. And!!!

“The small mermen are awesome!”

Please don’t be a voice repeater (#`n ?).

“The important question. When did the grievances of the Lord William and Iron Nation start?”

“I’m a player of the City of Dawn. I love to explore the background story of the main characters. In my long periods of research, I discovered many pieces of critical and secret information.

“The City of Dawn and Iron Nation have fought before!

“First, the Iron Nation had been constructing a military fortress at the Cliff of Dawn. But later, Lord William attacked and occupied it.

“Second, remember the Dragon slaying battle, it had been started by Iron Nation. But Lord William laid an ambush and slew the Fire Dragon instead.

“Third, I have no intention to slander Lord William. Iron Nation had first tried to kill Lord William by sending thousands of spies to the City of Dawn. It had deployed the spies discreetly.

“Everyone should understand why Lord William had a vendetta against Iron Nation. He was attacked by Iron Nation so it is fair that he is now retaliating back. Who started the fight first?

“There is no doubt.

“Lord William had been in the City of Dawn for less than a year. He had neither the chance nor the courage to antagonize other nations. But under his reign, the City of Dawn rapidly developed. The Iron Nation became jealous and attempted numerous assassinations on Lord William.

“Can I say that Lord William is the only character who can determine the duration of the main plot?

“Can I say that Lord William is the main character of version 1.0?”

Many other players commented.

The comments came with pictures and videos depicting Lord William’s discussion with other NPCs. The NPCs mentioned that assassination attempts had been made on Lord William.

11th comment: “Gosh, I’ve been to the military fortress 30 kilometers east of the cliff. I followed Lord William in the assault against the central fortress. After reading through the comments, I’m beginning to understand the intentions of the NPCs!”

12th comment: “Previous commenter, get lost. The horn of freedom of Iron Nation... is awesome (>ω?* )ノ.”

13th comment: “I can’t resist pulling out my 40-meter long saber. Please mind your words...”

14th comment: “D*mn the Dawn and Black Lava players. Our Freedom Alliance is waiting for you at Rhine City. Attack us if you dare.”

15th comment: “Your comment is unfair. D*mn you.”

16th comment: “Don’t badmouth the Dawn players. In this magical world, only the powerful rules. Iron Nation players, don’t be hypocrites and use the horn of freedom as a disguise for your conspiracy.”

The comments had turned into a war of words...

William was taken aback when he saw the post. The sleuthing skills of the players could not be underestimated. If the players researched any further, they would even dig up the information about every ancestor of William.

“I don’t care about your curiosity. As long as you don’t discover that I’m a transmigrating player, it doesn’t matter to me.” William was nonchalant.

Intelligent players might suspect that William was a reborn entity by the future actions of William.

But before any criticism.

In the game Starcraft, the players suspected that Blackstar in the N version was a reborn entity but they did not have any concrete proof.

The players treated it like an official easter egg.

In the eastern fortress.

Many players were doing their missions.

Very few players were hunting monsters because they were busy training!

Players who were not involved in the main plot mission discovered that the City of Dawn was constructing a large fighting arena. It had a capacity of over tens of thousands of spectators.

Many players felt that perhaps the fighting arena was constructed due to their suggestion.

The fighting arena was a symbol of ranking and reward.

Numerous professional players had been intensely training during this period of time to improve their combat power.

Two days ago, ‘Gods’ managed to become part of the WCG professional tournament. The news excited many professionals.

There were few professional combat teams in ‘Gods’ like Glory and Prosperity Millennium Club. These clubs had to quit their previous game as the game came to an end. Hence, they had to find another virtual game with greater potential.

They chose the game ‘Gods’ that had not been very popular but showed great potential.

The clubs that were already in ‘Gods’ held a great advantage when the game became part of WCG.


The players did not have too much time for training.

On day 71 of the open beta of “Gods”, the final battle of 200,000 players started!

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