Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 103 - The Fox Decides To Take His Time

It took Chu Yun over the course of the following week to come to terms with his new reality. He took the medicine the first physician prescribed, and his frequent nausea improved enough for him to keep food down, even if most of it tasted terrible to him. 

As soon as he felt like he wasn\'t under any risk of revealing more than he should, he wrote back to his parents, informing them of Chu Hean\'s intention to marry Xiao Zai, fully supported by the King of Zui. He had no illusions that his father would be able to stop his uncle if he decided that it was actually a good idea, but it was still better to warn his parents than leave them in the dark about Chu Hean\'s schemes.

He seldom left his quarters, which he knew was worrying Xiao Zai but he needed this time on his own to think; get his thoughts in order and decide what he was going to do next.

His first instinct was to terminate the pregnancy immediately, it should never have happened to begin with, so he was only setting the course of nature straight. 

Very astutely, Hua Nanyi suggested he bring it up with Xiao Zai and see his reaction. If he fought the idea, Chu Yun would know for certain he had had a hand in his current...predicament.

He was alarmed when Xiao Zai\'s face immediately fell, "I asked the first physician about that, but he said it was too dangerous."

The fact he had asked was reassuring, but how much could Chu Yun trust his word, really?

Chu Yun told Hua Nanyi to call back the three physicians who had examined him, and posed them that same question.

They all balked at the idea.

"This one wouldn\'t dare, the reaction of the medicine on an alpha\'s body is completely unknown, the results can\'t be guessed."

"His Grace should think twice about rejecting a gift from the gods. Misfortune follows those who spit in the face of the heavens."

"I\'m afraid this curse is his Grace\'s to bear until the bitter end."

Reluctantly, Chu Yun paid them for their service, even though it could barely be called that.

It seemed there was nothing he could do at the moment, except hope that somehow things came to a natural end before reaching bigger proportions.

He didn\'t tell Xiao Zai anything about his meeting with the physicians. He wanted to believe he really had nothing to do with the pregnancy, and knew he would be extremely upset if Chu Yun openly suspected him if he was innocent.

That didn\'t mean Chu Yun would remain quiet about the whole matter. He needed to get to the bottom of this. Unlike what the two extremely pious physicians thought, Chu Yun very much doubted he was being either punished or rewarded by the heavens. He had done nothing to merit either form of godly attention.

No, something more pragmatic was afoot.

With that in mind, he took the opportunity to pay Gu Wei a visit in the royal palace, under the guise of his regular meetings with Min Sezhui.


There was the very likely possibility that Gu Wei wouldn\'t even be at the palace. Unlike the other concubines he enjoyed far greater freedom to come and go as he pleased -- no doubt a result of whatever he held over the King\'s head.

The guards who were used to him and Hua Nanyi making a beeline for the Pearl courtyard couldn\'t hide their surprise when he asked to be led to his father-in-law\'s quarters.

Chu Yun was in luck, Gu Wei was outside in his little square of private courtyard, trimming the edges of a thornbush. The small courtyard was made even smaller by the great number of plum trees, the rest of the available space taken up by a small lake, where three brocade carps swam lazily.

Gu Wei turned to him and Hua Nanyi with a smile and a nod, but didn\'t stop his task, continuing to trim the shrubs leisurely.

After quietly instructing Hua Nanyi to, "stay inside and see if you can catch a glimpse of that supposed guard", Chu Yun crossed the courtyard in hasty steps.

"I\'m glad to see you looking much better," Gu Wei said, an enigmatic smile playing at his lips.

Chu Yun returned the smile with one of his own, and took an unceremonious seat on the railing of the wooden viewing bridge above the lake.

"It seems I have an unusual condition."

Gu Wei lifted his eyes above the edge of the shrub. "Oh? Nothing serious, I hope."

Chu Yun chuckled. "Depends on who you ask, I suppose."

Gu Wei just hummed and kept at his task, frustrating Chu Yun to no end. It always annoyed him how easily Gu Wei could hide himself behind his mask of icy tranquillity. It made him almost impossible to read. Although, all things considered, Chu Yun was beginning to doubt his own skills in that department -- how else would he have failed to notice the changes in his brother?

However, he still remembered how Gu Wei had reacted during Xiao Yuan\'s wedding ceremony, when the King made all those veiled references to their wedding night and whatever had transpired there. Clearly, some things could reveal the cracks in his mask.

Thinking about that, he said, almost breezily, "I haven\'t seen father-in-law since the day of the wedding, he left in such a hurry, I\'m also glad to see he seems to be doing much better."

Gu Wei straightened up, the shears held loosely in his fist. This time there was some tightness around the sharp corners of his eyes. "To what do I owe the visit?"

"I was just wondering if you knew anything about the unusual condition I seem to be afflicted with."

Gu Wei shrugged. "That would require me to know what condition it is."

Chu Yun assessed him. Gu Wei was an old hand. He wouldn\'t get anything out of him by asking directly and observing his reaction for any tells -- the man reacted mildly to everything. It was much better to surprise him when he felt comfortable, as the King had at the wedding.

But that required a certain calculated risk. Chu Yun knew Gu Wei was the one behind this, he just needed proof, so there was no harm in revealing what both of them already knew.

"I seem to be...with child," he said with a pained grimace. He would never get used to saying that out loud.

As he expected Gu Wei\'s only reaction was a quirk of his elegant eyebrows, and a smooth, "that\'s unusual, indeed."

No matter, Chu Yun would get an answer out of him -- sooner or later. 

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